Electrical Training by Tom Henry
The Learn to be an Electrician Home Study Course
Tom Henry's Learn to be an Electrician Training Course is a home study program designed to actually train a person to become an electrician, or to be a better electrician. It is a "learn at your own pace" program used by numerous vocational schools, colleges, universities, apprenticeship programs, and companies throughout the world.

Starting with theory and advancing to Ohm's Law, magnetism, safety and tools, wiring methods, services, motors, inspection, maintenance, troubleshooting, etc. Tom Henry will teach the student through his own personally designed modules and Animated Dvd's from point zero to an electrician that will not only know how, but why!
Each Module contains a Dvd narrated by Tom Henry with actual footage of electrical installations, animation of electrons, volt-amps, etc. Each Dvd is approximately 75-120 minutes in length.
If you're a contractor that has untrained electricians, this will be an excellent opportunity to improve the quality and production of your work. Now you can have a person knowledgeable of the Code and able to communicate with the inspector.
Free Promotional DVD
Send us your mailing address to receive a Free promotional DVD and brochure about this correspondence course by mail. The Learn to be an Electrician Program is being offered throughout the world. See what other electricians are saying about this program.
Click here to view our promotional Dvd on youtube!

Q. After I complete the "Learn to be an Electrician" program will it qualify me to take the journeyman exam?
A. Becoming an electrician is like becoming a doctor. You have to first do the book work then you need some hands on practice (which the county will require) before taking the exam. In the program "Learn to be an Electrician" Tom Henry shares over 67 years of electrical knowledge with you so you don't have to go through what he did to learn the trade. The program starts with theory then advances to Ohm's law, magnetism, safety and tools, wiring methods, services, motors, inspection, maintenance, troubleshooting, etc. You will not only know how, but why you are doing something a particular way. After completing the program the hands on part is like taking a walk in the park. For more information on licensing and questions about the electrical exam, check out our frequently asked questions and answers.
Register in full for $950 or per module for only $95
The Learn to be an Electrician Training Program has ten modules with eleven action packed Dvd's. After viewing the Dvd, the student will open the text book and carefully read about the same subject as was on the Dvd and when ready will work a 3-part exam on this Module. The exam will be mailed directly to our training facility for personal grading.
If the student successfully passes the exam they will qualify to advance to the next Module and the next Module will be shipped to them. If the student does not meet Tom Henry's standards, they will receive personalized help in the areas of weakness and a second exam that must be passed before advancing to the next Module.
Our exams will always be changing so the next student will be asked different questions on the same Module. In addition, each exam will be special coded with a date and number for student identification.
Item #375 Learn to be an Electrician
Item #376 Module E-1 Only
Learn to be an Electrician at home at your own pace.
My dream of providing an electrical training program has now been full-filled. Over the years of teaching over 22,000 electricians for their license, I have been a witness to what they know and what they don't know.
Many have never had an apprenticeship or any formal training as it was either not available in their area, they were too old to qualify for the program, could not attend class on the specified dates, they learned the trade from a relative, etc. These are some of the comments I've heard over the years in an attempt to justify their lack of knowledge.
Today we have many installers but few electricians. What is the difference? EDUCATION!
It's easy to make electricity work. Many do-it-yourselfers can make the light work even if they are using the wrong size wire, etc. "IT WORKS"! But, an electrician is educated to the fact that there are times when we don't want electricity to work. This is called protection of the wire and its components.
Electricity, if not installed correctly, has caused fires and electrocutions. An electrician is a professional educated to this fact, not a parts installer or parts changer. There is no room for guessing in this trade.
I have learned in my travels that a training program is only as strong as the instructor teaching the program. You can have the best training program available, but if the instructor lacks the knowledge in the teaching of the program, the student is the one who suffers. I have personally witnessed the lack of training of these individuals as they prepare for an electrician examination which is a test of one's knowledge of the electrical industry.
I can't be in every classroom in every city each day, but I can be in your home and train you at your convenience. I can reach everyone throughout the world through the mail! Give me an hour a day!
11 action packed Dvd's and modules
Module E-1 Electron Theory
Module E-2 Ohm's Law
Module E-3 Magnetism
Module E-4 Safety & Tools
Module E-5 Residential Wiring Method
Module E-6 Commercial Wiring Method
Conduit Bending Program
Module E-7 The Service
Module E-8 Grounding
Module E-9 Motors-Box and Conduit-Fill
Module E-10 Inspection-Maintenance and Meters
Over $200 in Extras!
The Learn to be an Electrician Training Program also includes as availability allows:
Dictionary for the electrician with formulas - Tom Henry's Favorite reference book! This dictionary defines the language used in the electrical field and includes important formulas, diagrams and reference charts. Approximate dimensions of conduit fittings, temperature conversion, weights, transformers, motors, measurements, and more.

Conduit Bending Program - The Complete Bending program includes Tom Henry's Award Winning DVD, Conduit Bending Workbook and pocket sized bending charts. Learn how to bend it right the first time by allowing for the shrinkage amount and calculating it into your bend.

Students will also receive these items as availability allows:
- Big number calculator
- Build a motor kit
- Book on the proper use of hand tools
- Guide book on wiring devices
- Etc.
The Learn to be an Electrician Training Program can be purchased one module at a time
Only $ 95.00 per module
Item #375 Learn to be an Electrician
Item #376 Module E-1 Only
- The program can be purchased one module at a time for $95 per module or you can save $$$ by paying the full amount of $950.
- Students will receive modules one at a time starting with E-1. After successfully passing the exam at the end of the module, the student will qualify to receive the next consecutive module and work them in order until reaching module E-10.
- * Schools may call 1-800-642-2633 for further information on using this program to teach classes with the instructor's guide.
When completing the final module, E-10, and passing the final exam, you'll receive a certificate of completion and, with your permission, your name will be placed in your area with the electrical contractors we have as customers so they can call you for employment possibilities.
We receive calls on "where can I find good help?" Now we can tell them where! At the present we have over 100,000 electrical customers in our files.
The world works and lives at the end of a wire. The world needs people to install the wire correctly.
I'm sharing over 67 years of electrical knowledge with you in these 10 modules so you don't have to go through what I did to learn the trade. If I would have had these modules 67 years ago, I can't imagine where I would be today!
Real comments from past students
Recently completed this course within two weeks. All 10 modules, videos and tests. I've never wired anything prior to this, but enjoyed the challenge and learned all about electricity. Tom Henry has managed to cover everything in one course, from the dawn of the world to modern times. Truly great course! - Rafael Dantas
I wanted to express my gratitude to the Henrys for coming up with such an excellent course. Easy to understand and to follow. A detailed course on the most important skills of an electrician. - Martin Stuart
Mr. Henry makes everything regarding the code as well as electricity extremely simple and, consequently, easy to understand. - Benjamin Smith
I just wanted to thank you, Tim and Tim Jr. for an outstanding course, on how to be a better Electrician. I have learned a lot from this program along with hands-on training and I would highly recommend it to anyone in the Electrical field. Thank you for sharing the knowledge that you have with me and others, so that we can learn this high demanding trade. I appreciate the book that you sent with my certificate and I will be calling on you again when I'm ready to take the Journeyman's test or for any other electrical literature needs that I have. - James Thomaston
Tom and Tim, Thanks for all your info. I never knew learning would be so much fun again. I now thirst for more knowledge. I recently passed the master exam with your help. Keep up the great work. Thanks again, - Jon McCoy
Levi (Customer Service Representative) I do not know if you have any contact with Mr. Henry, but I would like to extend my thanks to him for his fine work on his learning/teaching aides. I am a medical Doctor, specifically an anesthesiologist, I have 4 board certifications, I also have an MBA, have gone to law school as well, plus a BS in chemistry. In my career I have had many professors from many different subjects, but I must say Mr. Henry is one of the best, if not the best teacher/professor I have ever heard. He makes everything regarding the code as well as electricity simple and, consequently, easy to understand. I have always wanted to be an electrician since I was a little kid, so in 2004-2005, I enrolled in a technical school in Pittsburgh to become an electrician. For some reason, I was fascinated with series and parallel circuits. I graduated with an ASE in 2005. Now I am going to take my master electrical exam. Mr. Henry has helped me in pursuit of a childhood dream. I thank him for that. In fact, some of the things I learned in electrical school and off of Mr. Henry actually helped me to pass my re-certification examination in anesthesia. There is a lot of electrical theory in anesthesia. Anyways, if possible, could you pass this along to Mr. Henry my thanks. - Jerry Myers
Dear Mr. Henry, I received your course, "Learn to be an Electrician" a few days ago and I am really excited about going through the course. I am enclosing the answer sheets to module E-1. Just a little background for your notes, I have an Associate Degree in Electronics and have worked in residential remodeling and electric for 16 years. I never needed to be licensed to do residential wiring in Hamilton County, Ohio. But I want a license to learn what I don't know and to expand my options of work. I have been self employed since 1989. Thanks for what you are doing! - Daniel Hibbard
Just wanted to tell both Tom and Tim thanks so much for your time in sharing your instruction and knowledge of the National Electrical Code. - Troy Easier
Needed to express my gratitude to Tom and Tim Henry. Thanks to them I can provide for my family. They helped achieve the level of education I needed to start my own electrical carrer. Thank you Tom and Tim Henry for this! - Jose Ramirez