Timeline of Electricity


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For centuries, humanity understood little about electricity and its potential applications. Until about a century ago, electricity remained an enigma, with limited knowledge of the laws governing it.

This understanding emerged through countless experiments—scientific adventures where pioneers explored the unknown realms of electricity. Their discoveries led to inventions like telegraph instruments, telephones, x-ray tubes, and electric eyes. Some of these innovators gained fame and fortune, while others found joy in their discoveries. Notable figures such as Volta, Franklin, Faraday, Ampere, Morse, Bell, Edison, Kelvin, and Tesla became renowned for their groundbreaking work in electricity.

But what is electricity? Remarkably, none of these pioneers, not even Faraday or Edison, ever truly saw or felt this powerful force. Electricity is invisible, akin to the wind; we can only perceive its effects—trees swaying, leaves rustling, and waves rippling.

The journey of understanding electricity continues, as we constantly uncover new inventions that may one day take us to the stars.

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